Cool na? :) Now Learn How to create one by Clicking here

Sunday, May 01, 2016


I know you are here mainly because you wish to know how to quickly and easily create a cover page for your e-book.

I can boldly tell you have been a victim of surfing the entire web for an easy way without have to go through the process of editing, cropping, warping, perspective editing and the likes.

First let me say congrats on your new e-book, and I know that is the main reason you're here today.

Creating a cover page doesn't have to be that daunting with the right templateand toolsat your disposal, you could easily create an an attractive cover page -- all without fancy design programs, huge budgets, orhiring contractors.

Hope you know attractive cover pagecan drive sales to your e-book just as a cover page of a book in the library can drive a user to pick it up.

Let's dive into the real deal of today..
Things you need right now to make it all quick
  1. A must download template. Get it here cover template
  2. You need Adobe Photoshop
  3. Your designed background (you must have a background for the cover page. This contain title, image, author's name and the like) if you don't have, I can create one for you immediately for $2
  4. Computer (without it you can do nothing)
  5. Basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop

Step one
I assume you have downloaded it.
Unzip the file to a location you can remember.

Step two
Open Adobe Photoshop, depending on the version, locate where action command is. Mine can be found at the location where the arrows are pointing.

To load the downloaded file click on the » that's what the black stroke is pointing at.

          After clicking the », you will see a pop up. Locate load action and click on it.
Now locate where you unzip the file and open any of the template. For this tutorial we are making use of paperback

After loading the paperback, nothing happen on the screen but when you look at the action panel. The red pointing at it (look at the image above this one), you will see that the paperback as been loaded into it with it name to signify it has been loaded

If there are too many files, on the action panel, delete all of them by selecting and clicking on the icon that looks like a recycle bin beneath

If every thing is cleared, then go back to the process loading the template. After loading, you will see only Paperback book.

          Step three
To load the template click on the icon that looks like play beside the PaperBack Book
          you will see two drop down also having play buttons beside it.

Select Step 1 (don't click on play just click on the step 1 to select).
Now click on the play button below(arrow pointing at it)
After that the paperback load itself. Wait until you see a pop up. Click on the stop within the pop up. You will get something like this screen shot.

Step four
you can modify the color of the paperback but most important, change the color of the spine and the text within it.
You can do these by first selecting the content you need to edit on the layout menu beneath the action menu if not, you won't be able to edit. If you're editing the spine, select it on the layout, go back to select paint bucket tool on the toolbar, select the color you want, go back to the spine and then fill.

Step five
Look for your background image that you have created initially, drag and drop it on the template. Use control+t to align the image to fit and cover the Paperback book written on it.
But it should not cover the the spine.

Now click on any toolbar you will see a pop up prompting apply to changes. Click ok
After that go to the layout and click on the lock icon to lock the background image you just added. Initially the background template is locked. So you're going to have two locks.
See image below

        Step six
Now go back to Step three above and select step 2. Now click on the play below just as we did before.
Sit and relax... let Adobe perform the magic.
Below is the final outcome. But not the end

Step seven
Go to the layout, scroll down to template background (not the background image you created). You will see a eye-like icon beside it. Click on it to remove. This is to make the cover page background transparent.

Step 8
Go to file and click save as web in other version I think it should be named optimisation.
After loading, the file becomes too large.
Next, locate image size on the left bar and change the width to 400. hit apply.

Lastly.. make sure you the Transparency is stick and set it to PNG-24.

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