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Saturday, May 14, 2016


Ever since i bought my TECHNO WINPAD10, i have noticed that windows specifically windows 10 is prone to limited access to internet problem, .
I can't really say this is that majoy cause but i know for certain that whenever my PC goes to sleep mode through out the night....... This shit happens

The first time it happen to me, i was fustrated because i could not do continue my job. For several hours, i searched the  internet but all solution given where not working. if i tell you how i solved the problem, you might be tempted to call it a testimony.


This one i find on the internet and had help some people when i read their comment.

Open your command prompt in administrative mode
Type the following code step after step

1. netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled

2. netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

3. netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled

copy the first one and paste on cmd using right click then press enter on keyboard. Repeat same for 2 and 3. after that restart your pc.


This is the solution i use very time i see limited access on my WINPAD10. I have use the method countless time to solved limited access for those around me specially my boss who complain almost every morning.

go to your network setting and right click on the network you're using {i am using a celluar network. i mean my winpad10 has a space to insert SIM rather than using a modem}

Click on the properties and you will get something similar to the image below.

Click on the internet protocol version tcp/ipv4, {dont click to uncheck it. click on it to select } you will notice that the it properties bar will be enabled. it is beside uninstall

Click on it and you will see a similar image as seen below

if you observe that your ip address, subnet mask and default gateway is not empty at the stage, click on the obtain an ip address automatically and click ok. leave other things as they. your limited access should be gone by now or else restart your PC.

And if your ip address, subnet mask and default gateway is empty, click on obtain an ip address automatically and then click ok. your limited access should be gone or else restart your PC.

This trick works for me night and day... leave a comment if you still dont understand the process.

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