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Wednesday, May 04, 2016


In an attempt to give the above issue raised a critical coloration, I must start by saying that the begging question of whether the monthly allowance of 19,800 naira for corps members be increased cannot be over-emphasized. The meat of my argument in support of same is in three-fold.
In the first place, it goes without saying that present day realities and pragmatism reveals that there is more finance required for the personal upkeep of corps members. As such, we need not dilly-dally over the fact that the present day economic realities of the country makes it practically impossible for a corps member to go about is activities and upkeep for the month with just such a stipend as #19,800. In this light, the Government should give it a serious rethink.
In another breath, of a truth, motivation plays a vital role in any form of human endeavor or venture. The NYSC scheme is not an exception to this. The corps members should always be financially motivated aside the allowance which, as it even stands seems inadequate. The gist of my argument is this- Corps Members should have other means of cash inflow in which the government will be responsible for same. Though, some may argue on the contrary advancing the argument that Corps Members get some money from their places of primary assignment which helps to consolidate the allowance received from federal government. Well, such an argument is a different kettle of fish. As such, it is crystal clear that some of this private firms seek the services of these corps members all with the apocryphal motive to have them as cheap labour.

In the third place, I pray for an upward review of the allowance given to corps members by the Federal Government on the strength saving habit could be encouraged among corps members as they can start up something as entrepreneurs after their service year. When such upward review is effected, corps members will find it easy to raise capital. Though some may argue that saving habit can be encouraged whether or not the allowance is increased. But, I must ask such persons how realistically possible is it to safe any dine out of #19,800 which is insufficient in the first place? The answer seems to be no. So, an upward review of the allowance will go a long way in encouraging saving habits among corps members.
To this end, I respectfully recommend an upward review of the corps members monthly allowance from #19,800 to #40,000 In conclusion, I am of the opinion that the purpose of Government is to cater for the welfare of its citizenry. In this light, the Government should put its hands of deck to savage the issues of the country as it affects corps members.
From corp member Taiwo Oluwasegun LL.B,B.L

It isn't enough...some of us are posted to organizations dat dont pay corpers and dont provide accomodatn.Itz out of ds 19800 dat we pay our house rents.., transport ourselves to our ppa, feeding too is there&transportatn to our various cds centres and of cos notin is even left for purchase of clothes and toiletries.It is well wt Nigeria
Corp member Omotola from akure batch A 2013

It's never enough. Because no amount can compensate what some some corps members are going through during service year. I remember few years back when the allowance used to be #8,850. And in the future when it will be raised, it will not be enough. The simple answer is-it will never be enough.
From ex corp member batch c 2013

whats your say about this

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